Example 1st Graph

Example 2nd Graph,4,2,2,8&yValues1=3,4,2,2,8&yValues2=0,3,4,2,2,8 Produces graph. yoo -------------------------------|------| title panel yok -------------------------------|------| Key panel yog -------------------------------|------| yLabel | yScale | graph | | yos -------------------------------|------| | xScale | yol -------------------------------|------| | xLabel | yom -------------------------------|------| yomm--------------------------------------- | | | | | xoo xos xol xor xom xomm */ // // sec 1.0 - Get Data from POST or QUERY_STRING // $graphType = $_REQUEST["graphType" ]; // if set to bar, bar chart drawn $title = $_REQUEST["title" ]; // Large text at bottom $key = $_REQUEST["key"]; // csv list for each line $yLabel = $_REQUEST["yLabel"]; // Large text at bottom $yScaleStr = $_REQUEST["yScale"]; // small text in middle $xLabel = $_REQUEST["xLabel"]; // Large text at left $xScaleStr = $_REQUEST["xScale"]; // small text in middle $xvaluesA = explode(",", $_REQUEST["xValues"]) ; $yvaluesA = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yValues"]) ; $yvalues1A = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yValues1"]) ; $yvalues2A = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yValues2"]) ; $yvalues3A = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yValues3"]) ; $yvalues4A = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yValues4"]) ; $yvalues5A = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yValues5"]) ; $yLogicA = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yLogic"]) ; // if present then draw Logic Analyser. $keyA = explode(",", $_REQUEST["key"]) ; // // sec 2.0 - Get min and max for both x and Y so graphs fit. // $xmin = 0 ; $xmax = 1 ; //$ymin = 0 ; //$ymax = 0 ; function findMinMax( $yTempvaluesA){ if ( is_array( $yTempvaluesA ) ) { global $ymin,$ymax,$xmin,$xmax, $mm ; // find min and max values $cnt = 0 ; while( is_numeric( $yTempvaluesA[ $cnt ] ) ){ $y0 = $yTempvaluesA[ $cnt ] ; // Initilise ymin and ymax using the first value if ( ! is_numeric($ymin) ){ $ymin = $y0; $ymax = $ymin; } if ( $ymin > $y0 ) { $ymin = $y0 ; } if ( $ymax < $y0 ) { $ymax = $y0 ; } if ( $xmax < $cnt ) { $xmax = $cnt ; } $cnt++; } } } $xmin = 0 ; // find min max for the six lines findMinMax( $yvaluesA); findMinMax( $yvalues1A); findMinMax( $yvalues2A); findMinMax( $yvalues3A); findMinMax( $yvalues4A); findMinMax( $yvalues5A); findMinMax( $yLogicA); // // sec 3.0 - Map values onto Graph Canvas. // header("Content-type: image/png"); $x_graph_width = 400 ; $x_graph_width = 500 ; $y_graph_width = 200 ; if ( ($xmax-$xmin) > 0 ) { $xscale = ($x_graph_width)/($xmax-$xmin) ; } else { $xscale = 1 ; } if ( ($ymax-$ymin) > 0 ) { $yscale = ($y_graph_width)/($ymax-$ymin) ; } else { $yscale = 1 ; } $xLabelHeight = 30; $yoo = 1 ; $yok = $xLabelHeight + $yoo ; $yog = $xLabelHeight + $yok ; $yos = $y_graph_width + $yog ; $yol = $xLabelHeight + $yos ; $yom = $xLabelHeight + $yol ; $yomm = 1 + $yom ; $xoo = 1 ; $xos = $xLabelHeight + $xoo ; $xol = $xLabelHeight + $xos ; $xor = $x_graph_width + $xol ; $xom = $xLabelHeight + $xor ; $xomm = 1 + $xom ; // Label Offsets // point size $yop = 10 ; $xop = 10 ; //graph $xobl = $xol ; $yobl = $yos ; $xotr = $xor ; $yotr = $yog ; // // sec 4.0 - Create Canvas and colours. // $im = imagecreatetruecolor($xomm+1, $yomm+1); $im_graph = imagecreatetruecolor($x_graph_width+1, $y_graph_width+1); imagesetthickness($im,3); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $red = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 0, 0, 4 ); $green = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 255, 0, 4 ); $blue = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 0, 255, 4 ); $yellow= imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 255, 220, 4 ); $purple= imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 255, 255, 4 ); $orange= imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 200, 0, 4 ); $cyan = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 200, 0, 200, 4 ); $gray = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 127, 127, 127, 32 ); imagesetthickness($im,1); // BackGround imagefilledrectangle($im, $xoo, $yoo, $xom, $yom, $white); // graph //imagefilledrectangle($im, $xol, $yog, $xor, $yos, $white); // // we have to plot the graph then add axis. // I cannot find a clipping rectangle function! // so plot to $im_graph and then copy onto main image $im // $im_graph = imagecreatetruecolor($x_graph_width, $y_graph_width); imagefilledrectangle($im_graph,0,0,$x_graph_width, $y_graph_width,$yellow); // we have to plot the graph then add axis. function plotBar( $yvaluesA, $lineColour , $offset ){ if ( is_array( $yvaluesA ) ) { global $im_graph, $xscale , $y_graph_width, $yscale,$ymin ; //itterate through the y values. $cnt = 0 ; // to have a thick line you have to use the imagesetbrush() // and imageline($im_graph, x0,y0,x1,y1, IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED ); // Set the brush $im_brush = imagecreatetruecolor(3,3); imagefilledrectangle($im_brush, 0,0, 6,6, $lineColour ); imagesetbrush($im_graph, $im_brush); while( isset( $yvaluesA[$cnt+1] ) ) { // if x value does not exist use $cnt $x0 = $cnt*7 ; $x1 = ($cnt+1) ; $y0 = $yvaluesA[$cnt] ; $y1 = $yvaluesA[$cnt+1] ; imageline( $im_graph, ( $x0 - $xmin + $offset ) * $xscale/7, $y_graph_width - ( $y0 - $ymin ) * $yscale, ( $x0 - $xmin + $offset ) * $xscale/7, $y_graph_width - $ymin * $yscale, IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED ); $cnt++ ; } } } function plotLine( $yvaluesA, $lineColour ){ if ( is_array( $yvaluesA ) ) { global $im_graph, $xscale , $y_graph_width, $yscale,$ymin ; //itterate through the y values. $cnt = 0 ; // to have a thick line you have to use the imagesetbrush() // and imageline($im_graph, x0,y0,x1,y1, IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED ); // Set the brush $im_brush = imagecreatetruecolor(3,3); imagefilledrectangle($im_brush, 0,0, 6,6, $lineColour ); imagesetbrush($im_graph, $im_brush); while( isset( $yvaluesA[$cnt+1] ) ) { // if x value does not exist use $cnt $x0 = $cnt ; $x1 = ($cnt+1) ; $y0 = $yvaluesA[$cnt] ; $y1 = $yvaluesA[$cnt+1] ; imageline($im_graph, ($x0-$xmin)*$xscale ,$y_graph_width - ($y0-$ymin)*$yscale, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale, $y_graph_width-($y1-$ymin)*$yscale, IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED ); // imageline($im_graph, ($x0-$xmin)*$xscale ,$y_graph_width - ($y0-$ymin)*$yscale, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale, $y_graph_width-($y1-$ymin)*$yscale, $lineColour ); $cnt++ ; } } } function plotLogic( $yvaluesA,$colour1,$colour0,$numBits ){ // // plots the values in yLogic as a logic analyser waveform // $keyA = explode(",", $_REQUEST["key"]) ; if ( is_array( $yvaluesA ) ) { global $im_graph, $xscale , $y_graph_width, $yscale,$ymin ; //itterate through the y values. $cnt = 0 ; imagesetthickness($im_graph,2); while( isset( $yvaluesA[$cnt+1] ) ) { // if x value does not exist use $cnt $x0 = $cnt ; $x1 = ($cnt+1) ; $y0 = $yvaluesA[$cnt] ; $y1 = $yvaluesA[$cnt+1] ; // imageline($im_graph, ($x0-$xmin)*$xscale ,$y_graph_width - ($y0-$ymin)*$yscale, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale, $y_graph_width-($y1-$ymin)*$yscale, IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED ); // imageline($im_graph, ($x0-$xmin)*$xscale ,$y_graph_width - ($y0-$ymin)*$yscale, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale, $y_graph_width-($y1-$ymin)*$yscale, $lineColour ); $p2 = 1; for( $cnt2 = 0 ; $cnt2 < $numBits; $cnt2++ ){ $bit = $y0 & $p2; $nextBit = $y1 & $p2; $p2 = $p2 + $p2; if ( $bit > 0 ) { $logicColour = $colour1; $bitoffset = 0.5; } else { $logicColour = $colour0; $bitoffset = 0.8; } if ( $nextBit <> $bit ) { imageline($im_graph, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale , ( $cnt2 + 0.5 )*$y_graph_width/$numBits, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale, ( $cnt2 + 0.8 )*$y_graph_width/$numBits, $logicColour ); } imageline($im_graph, ($x0-$xmin)*$xscale , ( $cnt2+$bitoffset )*$y_graph_width/$numBits, ($x1-$xmin)*$xscale, ( $cnt2 + $bitoffset )*$y_graph_width/$numBits, $logicColour ); } $cnt++ ; } $p2 = 1; for( $cnt2 = 0 ; $cnt2 < $numBits; $cnt2++ ){ $p2 = $p2 + $p2; imagettftext( $im_graph, $y_graph_width/$numBits/3, 0, 0 , ( $cnt2+0.4 )*$y_graph_width/$numBits,$black, './Vera.ttf', "B".$cnt2 .",". $keyA[$cnt2] ); } } } // // sec 5.0 - Draw Graph. // // Plot data onto graph panel if ( $graphType == "bar" ) { plotBar( $yvaluesA, $red ,1 ) ; plotBar( $yvalues1A, $green ,2 ) ; plotBar( $yvalues2A, $blue ,3 ) ; plotBar( $yvalues3A, $purple,4 ) ; plotBar( $yvalues4A, $orange,5) ; plotBar( $yvalues5A, $cyan ,6) ; } else { plotLine( $yvaluesA, $red) ; plotLine( $yvalues1A, $green) ; plotLine( $yvalues2A, $blue) ; plotLine( $yvalues3A, $purple) ; plotLine( $yvalues4A, $orange) ; plotLine( $yvalues5A, $cyan) ; } $yLogicA = explode(",", $_REQUEST["yLogic"]) ; if ( array_key_exists ( "yLogic" , $_REQUEST ) ) { plotLogic( $yLogicA, $green,$blue, 10 ); }; // // plot Graticle at 10 sub divisions imagesetthickness($im_graph,1); if ( ! array_key_exists ( "yLogic" , $_REQUEST ) ) { $step = floor( $y_graph_width/10 ) ; for( $cnt = 1 ; $cnt < 10 ; $cnt++ ){ $offset = $y_graph_width - $cnt*$step ; imageline($im_graph, 0, $offset, $x_graph_width, $offset, $gray ); } }; $step = floor( $x_graph_width/10 ) ; for( $cnt = 1 ; $cnt < 10 ; $cnt++ ){ $offset = $cnt*$step ; imageline($im_graph, $offset, 0, $offset , $y_graph_width, $gray ); }; $font = './Vera.ttf'; if( ! $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ) { $yop = $yop; imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*2,$black, $font," usage:Set Query string. Spaces replaced by +" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*3,$black, $font," ?title=title+text&key=Key+text" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*4,$black, $font," &yLabel=Label+text&xLabel=Label+text" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*5,$black,$font," &xScale=smallText" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*6,$black,$font," &yScale=smallText" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*8,$black, $font," &yValues=10,20,34,2,34" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*9,$black, $font," &yValues1=10,20,34,2,34" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*10,$black, $font," &yValues2=10,20,34,2,34" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*11,$black, $font," &yValues3=10,20,34,2,34" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*12,$black, $font," &yValues4=10,20,34,2,34" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*13,$black,$font," &yValues5=10,20,34,2,34" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*15,$black,$font," &yLogic=3,4,2,2,2,2" ); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, $yog + $yop*17,$black,$font," &graphType=bar" ); $title = " Title:"; $key = " Key:"; $xScale = "xScale:"; $yScale = "yScale:"; $xLabel = "xLabel:"; $yLabel = "yLabel:"; } else { // I cannot find a cliping function so plot graph on a small panel and then copy onto main image imagecopy ( $im , $im_graph, $xol, $yog, 0, 0, $x_graph_width, $y_graph_width ); imagerectangle($im, $xol, $yog, $xor, $yos, $black); // graph } // // point,angle,x,y imagettftext($im, $yop*1.5, 0, $xoo, ($yoo+$yok)/2 +$yop/2 , $black, $font, " " . $title ); // Title imagesetthickness($im,3); // Plot key // $yoff = ( $yok+$yog )/2 $yoff = $yok+5 ; if ( ! array_key_exists ( "yLogic" , $_REQUEST ) ) { imageline($im, $xoo+ 5,$yoff, $xoo+20, $yoff,$red); imageline($im, $xoo+25,$yoff, $xoo+40, $yoff,$green); imageline($im, $xoo+45,$yoff, $xoo+60, $yoff,$blue); imageline($im, $xoo+65,$yoff, $xoo+80, $yoff,$purple); imageline($im, $xoo+85,$yoff, $xoo+100, $yoff,$orange); imageline($im, $xoo+105,$yoff, $xoo+120, $yoff,$cyan); imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xoo, ($yok+$yog)/2 +$yop/2 , $black, $font, " key: " . $_REQUEST["key"] ); // key } imagettftext($im, $yop*1.25, 90, ($xoo+$xos)/2+$xop/2, $yos, $black, $font, " " . $yLabel ); // yLabel imagettftext($im, $yop*1.25, 0, $xol, ($yol+$yom)/2 +$yop/2, $black, $font, " " . $xLabel ); // // sec 6.0 - Annotate Scales. // // // y scale, plot $ymin at bottom, left justified and $ymin at top, right justified // if ( ! array_key_exists ( "yLogic" , $_REQUEST ) ) { imagettftext($im, $yop, 90, ($xos+$xol)/2+$xop/2, $yos, $black, $font, $ymin ); // yScale // find bounding box to find width. // this works but is not right. $bbox = imagettfbbox($yop, -90, $font, $ymax); $width = $bbox[3]; imagettftext($im, $yop, 90, ($xos+$xol)/2+$xop/2, $yog+$width, $black, $font, $ymax ); // yScale } $bbox = imagettfbbox($yop, -90, $font, $yScaleStr); $width = -$bbox[3]; imagettftext($im, $yop, 90, ($xos+$xol)/2+$xop/2, ($yog+$yos)/2-$width/2, $black, $font, $yScaleStr ); // yScale // // x scale, plot $xmin at left, left justified and $ymin at right, right justified // imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xol, ($yos+$yol)/2 +$yop/2, $black, $font, " " . $xmin ); // xScale // find bounding box to find width. $bbox = imagettfbbox($yop, 0, $font, $xmax); $width = $bbox[2]; imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, $xor-$width/2 , ($yos+$yol)/2 +$yop/2, $black, $font, $xmax ); // xScale $bbox = imagettfbbox($yop, 0, $font, $xScaleStr); $width = $bbox[2]; imagettftext($im, $yop, 0, ($xol+$xor)/2-$width/2 , ($yos+$yol)/2 +$yop/2, $black, $font, $xScaleStr ); // xScale // find bounding box to find width. $copyRightText = "pnggraph.php Copyright (c) Doug Rice 2009 "; $bbox = imagettfbbox($yop*0.5, 0, $font, $copyRightText ); $width = $bbox[2]; imagettftext($im, $yop*0.5, 0, $xomm-$width , $yol +$yop*0.5, $gray, $font, $copyRightText ); // xScale // // sec 7.0 - Output graph. // // output stream of data imagepng($im); //imagegd($im); //imagejpeg($im,null,100); //imagegif($im); //image2wbm($im); ?>