The data from the guestbook is Collated by userfield1

This page uses an associative array gbA indexed by userfield1 gbA[ userfield1 ]

A linked list is used to prepend the latest instance of gbA[ userfield1 ].

The list is sorted ( alphbetically and case sensitive ) before presentation.

When displayed a speparate table is used for each value of USERFIELD1. Use the links below to jump to the table.

At the end of the page, is a dump of the objects using a recursive function. This shows the structure.

Now print out the objects using recursive decent

Using the code below, the object can be dumped

// r is the object to be printed out

function decend( r, level ){
  // dump a JavaScript Object passed to it
  var opStr = ""
  for ( var I in r ) {
    //opStr += level+" "+I+" =  "+r[ I ] + " " + typeof( r[ I ] )"\n"
    if ( typeof( r[ I ] ) == "object" ){
      //opStr += "\n===\n"
      opStr += level+" "+I+" [ \n"
      opStr += decend( r[ I ], level+" " )
      opStr += level+" ] \n"
    } else {
      opStr += level+" "+I+" =  "+r[ I ] +"\n"
  return opStr