Using Guestbook Technology to impliment simple Web based applications.

The guestbook CGI script wraps the escaped data from the form into a file called gbookFXXX.js formatted into function calls.
// two guest book additions

  "Test Call",  "email",  "15 Nov 2003",  "IPaddress",
  "userfield1",  "userfield2",  "userfield3",  "userfield4",

  "name",  "email",  "Fri, 26 Jan 2007 20:59:00 UTC+0100",  "  |  ",
  "userfield1",  "3",  "userfield3",  "userfield4",

The function is defined:
function gbF( name,email,postedOn,IPaddress,userfield1,userfield2,userfield3,userfield4,comments){
// you do what you want here!
The guestbook entries are stored at: and is included into a web page using:

<script  language = "JavaScript" type = "text/javascript" 
   src = "" >  

It contains comments and a list the text below and comments.