IP EYE visitor counter

I have a perl script that tracks who is visiting my web site.

Have a look at: http://www.dougrice.plus.com/IPeye.txt

You need to rename IPeye.txt to gbOjpg.pl and upload this to your CGI area. to http://ccgi.YOURCGIAREA.plus.com/cgi-bin/gbOjpg.pl

and change the file permissions as 555 to make it executable.

( remeber to Upload the file as ASCII, auto does not always work! )

Put the line below on all the pages that you wish to track.

<IMG src="http://ccgi.dougrice.plus.com/cgi-bin/gbOjpg.pl">

Have a look at: http://www.dougrice.plus.com/visits.html

The page counts are stored in as JavaScript and are loaded using code like:

var visitsA = new Array() 

<!-- remote guestbook--> 
<script language = "JavaScript" type = "text/javascript" 
src = "http://ccgi.dougrice.plus.com/gb/visits.js" > 
The counts can be shown using:
for( I in visitsA ){ 
self.document.write( visitsA[ I ] +" , "+I+"<BR>" ) 
Here are examples of what the perl script puts into my visits.js
visitsA[ 'page:http://www.btinternet.com/~doug.h.rice/gbbook/' ] = 58 
visitsA[ 'page:http://www.google.de/search?q' ] = 0 
visitsA[ 'page:http://www.doug.h.rice.btinternet.co.uk/gbbook/' ] = 119 
visitsA[ 'page:http://www.doug.h.rice.btinternet.co.uk/gbbook/index.htm' ] = 23 
visitsA[ 'page:http://www.doug.h.rice.btinternet.co.uk/picprog/mypic.htm' ] = 148 
visitsA[ 'page:http://www.doug.h.rice.btinternet.co.uk/ship/ship.htm' ] = 6 
You can reset the counts by downloading editing using a text editor and uploading visits.js as http://ccgi.YOUR_CGIAREA.plus.com/gb/visits.js to your web site. You can use JavaScript to format the counts.

You need set up a directory called

http://ccgi.YOUR_CGIAREA.plus.com/gb/ and have two files:

gbookFImg.js and gbookFImg.js

Change the file permissions to 666 to give them world write.



Copyright Douglas Rice, doug.h.rice@btinternet.com , 2003