/* * JavaScript Windows ScriptingHost sample file to output .SVG and .HTML file * usage cscript tryCscriptSVG.js * * */ var stdin = WScript.StdIn; var stdout = WScript.StdOut; /*************************************************** sec: String constants ****************************************************/ html_header = '\n'+ "\n"+ "\n"+ "\n


\n" html_footer = "
\n\n\n" header = '\n' footer = '\n' rect = '' /*************************************************** sec: Comments ****************************************************/ /* SVG Path - The element is used to define a path. The following commands are available for path data: •M = moveto •L = lineto •H = horizontal lineto •V = vertical lineto •C = curveto •S = smooth curveto •Q = quadratic Bézier curve •T = smooth quadratic Bézier curveto •A = elliptical Arc •Z = closepath Note: All of the commands above can also be expressed with lower letters. Capital letters means absolutely positioned, lower cases means relatively positioned. */ /*************************************************** sec: Paths ****************************************************/ path = '' path2 = '' path3 = '' fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var rx = 100 var ry = 100 /*************************************************** sec: Functions ****************************************************/ /* Code explanation: •The cx attribute defines the x coordinate of the center of the ellipse •The cy attribute defines the y coordinate of the center of the ellipse •The rx attribute defines the horizontal radius •The ry attribute defines the vertical radius */ /* Yellow concentric discs */ function c(){ var cx = 100 var cy = 100 ry -= 10 rx -= 10 var opStr = '\n' return opStr } /* Yellow concentric circles */ function c1(){ ry -= 10 rx -= 10 if ( n & mask ) { var opStr = '\n' } else { var opStr = '\n' } mask = mask+mask return opStr } var opStr = header var rx = 100 var ry = 100 opStr += c()+c()+c()+c()+c()+c()+c()+c()+c() var rx = 100 var ry = 100 var cx = 300 var cy = 100 n = 0x5A mask=1 opStr += c1()+c1()+c1()+c1()+c1()+c1()+c1()+c1()+c1() opStr += footer function writeFile(){ var ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2; stdout.WriteLine( "outputting image " ); // Open the file for output. var fop = fso.OpenTextFile(".\\tryCscriptSVG.svg", ForWriting, true); if ( fop ) { fop.WriteLine( opStr ); } if ( fop ) { fop.close(); } var fop = fso.OpenTextFile(".\\tryCscriptSVG.html", ForWriting, true); if ( fop ) { fop.WriteLine( html_header+opStr+html_footer ); } if ( fop ) { fop.close(); } } writeFile() /* program to write circuit. Grid:- */ /* Layer 1 Layer 1 */