-- -- lua5.1 toDPI.lua -- -- doug rice copyright September 2011 -- -- description - produces DPI pictures -- pictures in img_ip are prepared to DIP standard of 1400 wide x 1050 high with border -- pictures output to -- ./img_op -- and -- ./img_op/sm -- -- require "gd" -- -- Sec 1.0 Functions -- -- capture dir /b *.jpg and pasted into string below. picsStr="" -- -- -- -- -- Picture is any dimension -- -- We want to fit an image to a canvas of 1400 : 1050 -- wantHeight,wantWidth -- allow for border so fit img into toDPI -- imgX => toX -- imgY => toY -- -- if ( wantY / wantX ) > ( imgY / imgX ) then portrait. -- if ( wantY / wantX ) < ( imgY / imgX ) then landscape. -- -- function prepareDPI( text, size, ang, filename111, offset, wantWidth, wantHeight ) im = "" im = 1 im = nil im_org = "" im_org = 1 im_org = nil -- rotate = true print( text, size, ang, filename, offset, wantWidth, wantHeight ) if ( rotate ) then im_org_port = gd.createFromJpeg( picsA[ offset+1 ] ) imgX,imgY = im_org_port:sizeXY() --gd.copyRotated(dstImage, srcImage, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, ang) --dstImage:copyRotated(srcImage, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, ang) im_org = gd.createTrueColor( imgY, imgX ) gd.copyRotated(im_org, im_org_port, imgY / 2, imgX/2, 0,0, imgX, imgY, -90) im_org_port=nil else im_org = gd.createFromJpeg( picsA[ offset+1 ] ) end imgX,imgY = im_org:sizeXY() --[==[ rotate the incoming image ]==] -- we don't have the detection for wrong size border = 5 -- wantHeight = 1050 -- wantWidth = 1400 im = gd.createTrueColor( wantWidth , wantHeight ) color = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 0, 0, 0, 64) color2 = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 255, 255, 255, 64) white = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) black = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 0,0,0,0 ) bcolor = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 0,64,64, 0 ) bcolor = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 0,8,8, 0 ) red = im:colorAllocateAlpha( 255,0,0, 0 ) -- portrait -- -- Picture is any dimension -- -- We want to fit an image to a canvas of 1400 : 1050 -- wantHeight,wantWidth -- allow for border so fit img into toDPI -- imgX => toX -- imgY => toY -- -- if ( wantY / wantX ) > ( imgY / imgX ) then portrait. -- if ( wantY / wantX ) < ( imgY / imgX ) then landscape. -- -- -- work out toX wantY = wantHeight-1 wantX = wantWidth-1 border = 5 imgX,imgY = im_org:sizeXY() if ( ( wantY/wantX ) < ( imgY/imgX ) ) then --[==[ gdImage:rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, color) rectangle is used to draw a rectangle with the two corners (upper left first, then lower right) specified, using the color index specified. gdImage:filledRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, color) filledRectangle is used to draw a rectangle with the two corners (upper left first, then lower right) specified, filled using the color index specified. -- dstImage:copyResampled(srcImage, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH) ]==] -- background canvas im:filledRectangle( 0,0, wantWidth-1, wantHeight-1 , bcolor ) toHeight = wantHeight - border*2 toWidth = wantHeight/imgY*imgX - border*2 -- border im:filledRectangle( ( wantWidth-toWidth-border*2 ) /2 -1 ,0, (wantWidth+toWidth+border*2)/2-1, wantHeight-1 , white ) -- dstImage:copyResampled(srcImage, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH) im:copyResampled(im_org, ( wantWidth-toWidth ) /2 , border, 0,0, toWidth, toHeight, imgX, imgY) im:rectangle( ( wantWidth-toWidth-border*2 ) /2 -1 ,0, (wantWidth+toWidth+border*2)/2-1, wantHeight-1 , red ) else -- background canvas im:filledRectangle( 0,0, wantWidth-1, wantHeight-1 , bcolor ) toHeight = wantWidth/imgX*imgY - border*2 toWidth = wantWidth - border*2 -- border im:filledRectangle( 0, ( wantHeight-toHeight-border*2 ) /2 -1 , wantWidth-1,(wantHeight+toHeight +border*2)/2-1, white ) -- dstImage:copyResampled(srcImage, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH) im:copyResampled(im_org, border, (wantHeight-toHeight ) /2 , 0,0, toWidth,toHeight, imgX, imgY) im:rectangle( 0, ( wantHeight-toHeight-border*2 ) /2 -1 , wantWidth-1, (wantHeight+toHeight +border*2)/2-1, red ) end font = "./Vera.ttf" --font = "./Vivaldii.TTF" --font = "./TT0756M_.TTF" --font = "arch___i.ttf" -- font = "Anniebtn.ttf" --[==[ im:stringFT( color, font, size, math.rad(ang), border +2 , border + 2 + size * 1.4 , "Copyright (C) Doug Rice 2011 " ) im:stringFT( color, font, size, math.rad(ang), border +2 , border + 2 + ( size * 1.4 )*2, picsA[ offset+1 ] ) im:stringFT( color2, font, size, math.rad(ang), border +3 , border + 3 + size * 1.4 , "Copyright (C) Doug Rice 2011 " ) im:stringFT( color2, font, size, math.rad(ang), border +3 , border + 3 + ( size * 1.4 )*2, picsA[ offset+1 ] ) --[==[ ]==] im:sharpen( 20 ) print( filename ) im:jpeg( filename .. ".jpg", 85 ) im = nil im_org = nil -- force a garbage collect as it ran out of virtual memory without it. collectgarbage ( "collect" ) end function main() cnt = 0 for w in string.gmatch(picsStr, "%C+") do print("=="..w.."==") if string.len(w) > 0 then -- picsA[cnt] = "./APSC/"..w picsA[cnt] = "./"..w cnt = cnt + 1 end end picsA = {} fi = io.popen( "dir /b .\\img_ip\\*.jpg ") for i in fi:lines() do print( "+"..i ) print( "#picsA ",picsA ) picsA[ #picsA+1 ] = "./img_ip/" .. i end cnt = #picsA print( "cnt" ,cnt ) steps = cnt while( steps > 0 ) do steps = steps - 1 -- function prepareDPI( text, size, ang, filename, offset, wantWidth, wantHeight ) -- im:jpeg( "./img_op/dhr" .. filename .. ".jpg", 100 ) -- im2:jpeg( "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. filename .. "_lt.jpg", 100 ) filename = "./img_op/CT-Jan 12-DHR-" .. (1000+ steps ).."" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 1400, 1050 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/CT-Jan 12-DHR-" .. (1000+ steps ) .."_lt" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 150, 150 ) --[==[ filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."_lt" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 150, 150 ) filename = "./img_op/dhr" .. (2000+ steps ).."" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 1280, 1024 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."ltw" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 800, 300 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."ltsq" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 800, 800 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."ltsqm" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 80, 80 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."lt43" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 400, 300 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."lrp" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 300, 400 ) filename = "./img_op/sm/dhr" .. (1000+ steps ) .."lrt" prepareDPI( "", 10, 0 , 1000+steps, steps , 300, 800 ) ]==] end end -- -- prepare lines for web page -- --http://www.dougrice.plus.com/hp/gbbook/simple/codeScraps.htm#T32 function img() fi = io.popen( "dir /b .\\img_op\\*.jpg ") opStr = "" for i in fi:lines() do A,B,C = string.match( i ,"(.-)([^\\]*)(\.jpg)") -- print( A,"-",B,"-", C ) --

opStr = opStr .. "

\n" --print( "#picsA ",picsA ) --picsA[ #picsA+1 ] = "./img_ip/" .. i end opStrHead = [==[ ]==] opStrTail = [==[ ]==] print( opStrHead .. opStr .. opStrTail ) fo = io.open( "./img_op/index1.htm","w") fo:write( opStrHead .. opStr .. opStrTail ) fo:close() end os.execute("mkdir .\\img_op") os.execute("mkdir .\\img_op\\sm") main() img() -- -- dir /b *.jpg | lua5.1 pipe.lua -- -- -- for line in io.lines() do -- print( "++++++"..line.."===") -- end --[==[ -- -- simple test to open a file line by line -- -- -- test fi = io.open( "txt.lua") for i in fi:lines() do print( ">",i ) end -- -- dir /b | txt.lua -- for i in io.lines() do print( i ) end -- -- test processing lines from dir command -- fi = io.popen( "dir /b") for i in fi:lines() do print( "+"..i ) end ]==]