Sonic Screwdriver - audio BAUDOT decoder experiment.



 Press start 

BAUDOT codes found

This WebAudio sample trys to decode BAUDOT modem, using a ScriptProcessor. It's necessary to use a ScriptProcessor in order to not miss any clipping samples - otherwise you could implement this using a RealtimeAnalyser to only grab samples when necessary.

The usage is quite easy:

var meter = createAudioMeter(audioContext,clipLevel,averaging,clipLag);

[ mic ] -+--[ iir filter ]--[ mark energy  ]--+ [ comparitor ]--[ UART ]--[code]
         \--[ iir filter ]--[ space energy ]--/   
 mark 1400Hz, space 1800Hz, serial --_12345-- UART to codes -- 
audioContext: the AudioContext you're using.
returns true if the node has clipped in the last clipLag milliseconds.
used to destroy the node (it's important to disconnect and remove the event handler for any ScriptProcessor).

Copied from the source on Github and V.21

I would like to use the microphone on the plugged in earbuds. this page is only using the microphones on the screen

media recorder example - using Using the MediaStream Recording API seems to be using the ear bud mic, but I cannot work out why.

Generate samples tools

Send - BAUDOT: Use @ for SHIFT_LTRS , and # or SHIFT_FIGS/numbers. Start with "@#@"

BAUDOT: Add Shifts: or TypeHere: ( experimental! )

This section generates samples to decode to keep the web page smaller.

extra stopBits: random extra number of stop bits between characters: bits repeat : to allow CI repeat_noise : to allow CI

UART:baudot baud: 50,110,300,75,600,1200

Samples captured using Audacity. mono, 8000 samples per second.

BAUDOT reference | audio to BAUDOT