/* * * * How_app_Tests.js.txt - Key Pressing script, based on one to automate the EUA * * Automating typing using Windows shell scripts and javascript.* * * Doug Rice, BT (C) 15/03/2016, 16/03/2016, 12/01/2019, 23/03/2021 * * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8c6yea83(v=vs.84).aspx * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/windows-scripting/8c6yea83(v=vs.84) * * wscript How_app.js /* ********************************************************************************** * SEC 2.0 MAIN ********************************************************************************** */ WScript.Echo( "Starting Script..press OK then select input area, typing starts after 3 seconds" ); var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); //http://www.nilpo.com/2007/08/windows-xp/scripting-the-clipboard-contents-in-wsh/ var count = 0 WScript.Sleep(3000); // wait for selected number to go blue /* Agent typing */ var strApp= " This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.\n Please hang up the B-leg \n"+ " I am testing the new Relay UK app \n"+ " Hello Doug here \n "+ " Can you see my typing? \n "+ " The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog \n "+ " I am testing the new Relay UK app \n "+ "\n" //" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! £ $ % ^ & * ( ) _- + = { } [ ] ~ # : ; @ ' < > , . / ?" /* Agent typing */ var strTRA = " Welcome to Chit Chat UK \n " + " Please type you name? \n " + " You are talking to Jack \n " + " How May I help you today \n " + " Okay I will type back? \n " + " The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog \n " + " Hello Caller the other party has cleared. \n " + " \n " /* Agent typing */ var strTRA = " Please hang up the B-leg \n" + " I am testing the new Relay UK app \n" + "Test1: Short Phrase\n " + "Test2: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2a: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2b: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2c: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2d: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2e: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2f: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test2g: longer Phrase multiple spaces \n " + "Test3: Short question Reply? GA " + "Test4: The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog GA \n\n\n " + "Test5: Long_NUMBERS_01234567890_ABCDEFGHIJKLM_NOPQRSTUVW \n GA " + // this can cause the modem to drop if sent too fast //The tests below crash cscript so comment out for now. //"Test6: !\"£$%^\&*()_+-+{}[]~:;@\'<>,.GA \n " + //"Test6: !£$%^()_+-+{}[]~:;@\'<>,.GA \n " + "Test6a: word GA \n " ; finished = ( 1 == 0 ) while( ! finished ){ //WScript.Sleep(500); // wait for selected number to go blue WScript.Sleep( 0+Math.random()*50 ); // wait for selected number to go blue nextKey = strTRA.substr( count, 1 ) WshShell.SendKeys ( nextKey ); if ( nextKey == " " ){ WScript.Sleep( 50+Math.random()*300 ) } if ( nextKey == "\n" ){ WshShell.SendKeys ( "~" ); WScript.Sleep( 500+Math.random()*3000 ) } finished = ( 1 == 1 ) count = count + 1 finished = ( count > strTRA.length ) }