Leaky Bucket Rate Simulator

by DH Rice

The traffic is simulated and has a profile of 25 calls at callrate x1.0, then 25 calls at x4, then 50 calls at x 0.1. The call interval is neg exp distributed.
The simulator is run with using the values below:

Admit Weight: - qty added to bucket per admitted call
initialFill: - qty added to bucket on creation.
MaxFill: - max capacity of the bucket.
Reject Threshold: - when fill of bucket reaches this, reject calls
The default values are picked based on what I can dial with a phone. I can dial a call every 4 seconds.
Call Rate: - This is calls per second used to multiple the profile.
Use negative exponentially spaced Call Intervals.
Leak Rate: - qty removed per second. (This is done on every call.)


Simulate Call Gapping Call Gap Interval
If you configure the leaky bucket at Admit Weight = Call Interval, and Threshold = 1 and MaxFill = MaxInterval, then the leaky bucket is similar to the CallGapper.

You can edit the form values and re run the simulator output formatted: csv Graphic .
NOTE: Graphic height is proportional to time between calls. Width proportional to Fill, and MaxFill